Self-portrait of me by you
Phantom pregnancy
And the night illuminated the night
The dream of the union forms another figure
By weeping I want to impress someone
Another morality
It's nothing for you to be someone's festivity
A very gentle glove
Desired without love, or loved without desire
The illusion of sentimentality
We are our own demons
To darken this darkness
Only the lover and the child have a heavy heart
Language is a skin, I rub my language
I love you is not a sentence
I see it in existence, not in essence
It's true that this mute figure is an angel
Something which resembles fate
Self-portrait of me by you
Self-portrait of me by you
Phantom pregnancy
Phantom pregnancy
And the night illuminated the night
And the night illuminated the night
The dream of the union forms another figure
The dream of the union forms another figure
By weeping I want to impress someone
By weeping I want to impress someone
Another morality
Another morality
It's nothing for you to be someone's festivity
It's nothing for you to be someone's festivity
A very gentle glove
A very gentle glove
Desired without love, or loved without desire
Desired without love, or loved without desire
The illusion of sentimentality
The illusion of sentimentality
We are our own demons
We are our own demons
To darken this darkness
To darken this darkness
Only the lover and the child have a heavy heart
Only the lover and the child have a heavy heart
Language is a skin, I rub my language
Language is a skin, I rub my language
I love you is not a sentence
I love you is not a sentence
I see it in existence, not in essence
I see it in existence, not in essence
It's true that this mute figure is an angel
It's true that this mute figure is an angel
Something which resembles fate
Something which resembles fate